To Our Friends, Family & Alumni,
This has been a breakaway year for Bais Menachem:
You know that at Bais Menachem we constantly demand growth, expansion and improvement from our youth. As an organization, we constantly demand it from ourselves. Today we're "demanding" it from you as well! Please open your heart to grow, expand and improve your support for Bais Menachem. For our youth. For our Future.
Every dollar you give will be tripled by groups of amazing matchers for a total goal of $360,000.
Thank you,
Uri, Pinny, Yossi, Lazer, Levi, Ilan, Shlomi, Moshe & the Shluchim & Bachurim
Running an operation like Bais Menachem requires an extensive staff and a major investment of time, energy, and resources. Rather than charging prohibitive tuition fees and turning away students for financial reasons, we rely on the generosity of those who support the work we do.
To that end, a group of matchers have come forward with a combined $240,000 donation, provided that we can raise an additional $120,000 over the course of this 60 hours.
You can be a partner in everything we do by contributing to our campaign over the next 60 hours, and by spreading the word. Maimonides says that every good deed, no matter how small, tips the scale of humanity toward goodness. Today you have the opportunity to see the impact of that deed multiplied many times over. Join us by making a donation today!